The Medical Tricorder For Our Times

Performance Monitor now $30 off for a limited time when you use the coupon code: skeptical Read the Article at “The Skeptical Cardiologist” here:[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Buy Now” color=”warning” link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Pulse Oximetry in Outpatients with COVID-19

Hypoxemia out of proportion to respiratory effort — “silent hypoxemia” — has been reported in patients with COVID-19. Given our lack of understanding of reliable predictors of severity in patients with COVID-19 who may appear well enough to be discharged, some authors have recommended the use of outpatient pulse oximetry to identify decompensating patients.

Deregulation, Telemedicine, Telehealth

At a recent White House event, Telehealth was highlighted as an increasing trend due to COVID-19, and the need for health professionals and patients to maintain social distancing. Recent deregulation has made Telehealth more accessible across the United States. BodiMetrics partners with CareSpan in this regard for: Patient Integration Enabling active, meaningful participation in wellness […]

COVID Risk Chart

Oxygen saturation is one of the most sensitive and consequential metric in the early intervention and care of someone who is potentially challenged with COVID pneumonia. The early stages of COVID pneumonia causes low oxygen and low carbon dioxide. The combination of this physiology is experienced subtly as rapid breathing but not necessarily shortness of […]

Finger Pulse Oximeter – Blood Oxygen Meter

A finger pulse oximeter measures oxygen saturation level in the body without using needles or taking a blood sample. The metric shown on the screen (or the BodiMetrics App) reflects red blood cell oxygen saturation. The percentage gives doctors and medical advisors an indication of whether a person is within normal range on a blood […]

Red Dot Award 2020 – Ring received Best of the Best (COVID-19)

Award-winning “Megahealth* [CIRCUL] Ring” enables remote monitoring The Megahealth Ring from Hangzhou Megasens Technology shows that good design is helpful in difficult times. It was awarded a Red Dot: Best of the Best, the highest distinction in the Red Dot Award: Product Design, in 2020 and was used in particular in Wuhan for the fight against […]

COVID-19 Coronavirus Monitoring, China

Continuous SpO2 and Heart Rate data, sleep quality etc, monitor doctors and nurses health anytime. The CIRCUL Ring & BodiOrb are being used in CHINA in the fight against COVID 19. BodiMetrics put together a presentation on how the Chinese are using our devices.  The attached image highlights a slide. “These are unique times. As […]